Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Waiting Is The Worst

Five weeks seems like a long time.

Five weeks.

Thirty-five days.

Eight hundred and fifty two and one-half hours from the time this entry posts.

That's a very long time when waiting for what ranks among the best days of the year. I speak, of course, of the St. Louis Blues regular season opener.

Almost all other activities in our home will take a backseat on the evening of October 3rd to the puck dropping on the new season. While I love the St. Louis Cardinals Baseball Club; even they can't compare to the passion I have for St. Louis Blues Hockey.

It seems like such a long time ago that we were eliminated from the playoffs; dashing my hopes once and for all of this being "The Year" for us to hoist the coveted Stanley Cup. Last year is behind us now. The moment the puck touches the ice on October 3rd provides renewed hope that this will truly be "The Year."

I am ready.

There is nothing left for me to do but wait.

The waiting is the worst...

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