Thursday, August 22, 2013

Not This Year, Though

It's the time of year when we would normally be deep into preparations for sending one or both of the boys back to school.

Not this year, though.

It feels odd to be doing something different after six years of the same routine.

No scrambling to make sure they had everything they would need for laundry and classes. No getting boxes loaded with their belongings together to ship so they will be waiting in their room when they check into the dorm.

Not this year, though.

They have both graduated and moved on to the next stage of their lives. College is behind them and "real life" is staring them in the face.

Maybe the day will come in their futures when they spend this time in August preparing their own children to head off to college and Diane and I, if we're still around, will relive those days vicariously through our boys.

Not this year, though.

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