I suppose that I'm easily amused. I think the Geico Hump Day commercial is one of the funniest spots I have seen in a very long time. Who can't laugh at the whole concept of a camel celebrating Hump Day? I find most of their commercials (most commercials for any company/product) to be annoying and/or stupid. This one got me, though.
Hump Day has become a big thing; the marker that indicates we have made it halfway through the work week. Who decided we should work five days a week and "get off" for two days? Why wasn't it six and one, or four and three? What was so magical about five and two?
Don't get me wrong; I certainly don't like the six and one option, but I wouldn't complain a bit if we had settled on the four and three option. Weekends go by way too fast. It never seems like two days is enough to recover from the five work days. It certainly doesn't help when there are things to be done on those two days. It seems like we go from Friday to Monday much too fast. Monday to Friday, on the other hand, seems to take forever some weeks.
I suppose that's why we celebrate Hump Day. It's something to break up the long week. Something to help us see that there is light at the end of the tunnel; even if that light is still a distant speck.
So today I celebrate Hump Day. Although it's highly unlikely that I will have a camel wander through my office questioning me as to whether I know what day it is; I will certainly have a small grin on my face at some point throughout the day when I think about the fact that I'm halfway to next weekend!
Happy Hump Day, everyone!
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