Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Downs and Ups

I thought I hit a milestone one day last week when the scale actually showed that I had lost some weight. I was close to ecstatic.

My joy was short-lived, though, when I got on the scale several days later and my weight was exactly (to the tenth pound) where it has seemingly been stuck for weeks.

I expected some fluctuation when I decided to get serious about my weight. In fact, I consciously decided that I wasn't going to get on the scale every day because the minute changes back and forth over the short term could prove to be discouraging.

What's proving to be discouraging is getting on the scale week after week and not seeing any results.

I am at a loss. Well, that's not really true. I would LOVE to be at a loss, but I seem to be stuck in the same place.

Makes me wonder why I am even trying...

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