Thursday, November 28, 2013

And For That, I Am Thankful...

Thanksgiving is such a wonderful holiday. It's so much more than a day off work. It's so much more than a day to spend with family and friends.

Thanksgiving is a day to reflect on the many things we have to be thankful for.

So today, I am thankful.

I am thankful for the most wonderful wife in the world. The woman who loves me in spite of me. The woman who watches over me and completes me. The woman who took all that the cancer threw at her and can stand here today as a seven year Breast Cancer Survivor.

I am thankful for two wonderful, godly sons. Young men who work hard and have turned out remarkably well even in light of the many mistakes I have made along the way.

I am thankful for family and friends who care.

I am thankful for a job that pays me far more than I am worth as I sometimes struggle to get through a day.

I am thankful that I had almost 13 years with Dad and almost 49 years with Mom; both of whom left us too soon.

Most of all, I am thankful that I have a Savior who died on the cross to secure my eternity.

And for all of those things, and many more too numerous to list, I am thankful...

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

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