Some that know me refer to me as the "cold hearted orb" from the Moody Blues song. Others claim that my analytical/clinical nature leaves me emotionless. While it is certainly true that there are very, very few things that bring a tear to my eye; I'm not the emotionless Vulcan that I have been accused of. I just tend to be very private; keeping my emotions largely to myself.
It's not that I'm some tough guy who won't be seen shedding a tear. It's just that few things pierce my heart enough to draw tears. There are some, though.
For example - even after seeing it at least a dozen times - I still cry at the end of Field Of Dreams when Ray Kinsella gets to play catch with his dad. Perhaps it's because I, too, wish I had just one more chance to have thrown a ball in the yard with Dad.
I still tear up when the command module appears under the canopy of its parachutes at the end of Apollo 13; even though I distinctly remember watching it happen in real life and I know exactly how the movie will end - each of the many times I have watched it.
Mostly, though, it is "real life" that brings a tear to my eye.
I cried as I held each of our sons for the very first time; amazed that God had entrusted me with those two amazing little human beings.
I cried when the Diane was wheeled away for her breast cancer surgery; and I cried again when the doctor came to tell me that she was out of surgery and doing okay.
I cried when each of the boys walked across the platform after receiving their degrees; filled with pride at what they had accomplished.
As a general rule, though, my tears are private; a lump in my throat and an ache in my chest that reminds me that I'm not a "cold hearted orb," even if no one else recognizes it.
I've never been one for New Year's Resolutions, but perhaps I should reconsider. Maybe I should try to be more emotive. Maybe I should try to be less clinical and analytical.
I expect that, like most people's New Year's Resolutions, it would not last. After all, I never set out to be a "cold hearted orb," it's just who I am.
Take it or leave it.
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