Monday, December 23, 2013

A Golden Day!

I don't know where the term ever started, but somewhere along the way someone decided that the birthday on the year you turn the same age as the date of the month is your Golden Birthday. I'm not sure what makes it golden, but it is somehow a more special birthday than any other.

Today marks Matthew's Golden Birthday. It seems that he made his appearance into the world only yesterday. Certainly it couldn't have been twenty three years ago that I first held him. I still remember those diapers as if they were just this morning.

Much has transpired in those twenty three years. Matthew has become a man. Diane and Joseph insist that he is exactly like his old man, but I beg to differ. While Matthew may display some of my traits; he is certainly not exactly like me. He lacks many of my rough edges. He has become a man we are quite proud of. 

And, at least for today, he is golden.

Happy Birthday, Matthew!

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