Shopping for Diane is probably one of the most difficult tasks I undertake. It wasn't always that hard, though. In fact, it used to be easy.
Of course - I cheated.
Confession time...
My shopping routine used to entail surrogate shoppers at one of several stores Diane liked. I would go the the Land's End store in Brookfield, for example, and look for a woman who appeared to have taste similar to Diane's.
It was a bonus if she was shopping with one or more friends.
It was a double bonus if she also happened to be about Diane's size.
I would approach the ladies and tell them that I was shopping for my wife whose taste in clothes seemed very similar to hers/theirs. I would explain that I am color blind and, like most men my age, rather ignorant when it came to fashion. Then, I would ask for their help.
I was never rejected. I suppose it is many women's dream to shop with someone else's money!
I would give them an approximate budget and then I would go sit down on one of the comfortable chairs the store provided. The women gleefully went through the store selecting sweaters, blouses, etc. that they would select for themselves. They brought back clothes and ensembles to display for my approval.
When they were satisfied with the selections, I thanked them and took the items to the register to check out. The funny thing was that the women always profusely thanked me for letting them help. I'm sure some of them are still telling stories about how they had to rescue this poor, color blind soul who desperately needed assistance in shopping for his wife.
It was easy; and I don't recall that Diane was ever disappointed when I presented her with the gifts.
Life changed, though. Whether because of the effects of Diane's cancer treatments that destroyed her body's ability to regulate its temperature - making fabric selection a touchy task, at best - or the fact that Diane has become more particular; that shopping method is forever lost for me.
The results have often proven to be rather disappointing when I am left to my own devices, I'm afraid. There has been a wandering trail of attempts through the years that somehow fell short. Every once in a while, though, I still hit a home run. I got all of the components to build a small pond/watergarden in the back yard a while ago; and then got all of the components to triple its size a few years later. Those were big winners.
There have been a few stinkers mixed in, too. I won't get into the specifics on those.
So here we are just a few days from Christmas and I'm faced with my annual dilemma - what can I get for Diane that she will want/use/enjoy.
I continue to draw a blank.
It used to be so easy.
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