Friday, June 28, 2013

No Fishing...

The month of June is nearly over and I still have not even gotten my boat down from its winter storage spot. This is a bummer!!! It's depressing to see it sitting there; overturned on top of the trailer where it has been since last fall.

No boat equals, of course, no fishing.

There's just something wrong with the world when I don't get to fish.

Diane and Joseph helped me get the boat turned over for winter. Unfortunately, it's quite the ordeal with their help. Matthew is so strong that he and I can do it pretty easily by ourselves. Of course, Matthew is virtually never around.

I was hoping that today would be the day we could get it flipped over so I could rig it and, just maybe, go fishing this weekend. Matthew and Joseph went to Chicago for the day to visit with some friends.

Another day to wait...

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