Saturday, February 15, 2014

I'm Getting A Daughter!!!

I was delighted to hear the doctor proclaim not once, but twice, "It's a boy" upon delivering our children. Being the only son of an only son made it very important to me to carry on the Brader name. It's not that I wouldn't have loved to have a daughter, but I'm pretty sure I would have been a terrible dad to a little girl. Diane and the boys even go so far as to accuse me of that based only on how I treat my cat and dog.

I disagree. While I'm pretty sure that I would have struggled as a father of a little girl; I don't think it's because I would have spoiled her. No, I'm pretty sure I would have been viewed as a tyrant father. I don't think she have been allowed to date until she turned thirty and, even then, I would have insisted on being the chauffeur. Any young man casting a glance at her would have been invited to accompany me on a little visit to the shooting range where I would proceed to show him how effectively I am able to handle many types of weapons - all the while chatting with him about the precious treasure that he had expressed an interest in. 

That is, I'm sure, why God gave me two sons and no daughters. 

Until now, that is.

I had been sworn to secrecy regarding Matthew's plans to propose to Shelley. On Friday, though, the secret became public knowledge so I am free to proclaim it to the world.

I'm Getting A Daughter!!!

I don't know the "due date," yet, but I know she's on the way!

Congratulations Matthew and Shelley!!!!! 

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