The best thing about Super Bowl weekend to me is that it signals the end of all things football for a while. I realize that I am in the minority, but I really don't like football. They spend the vast majority of the time just standing around, then they interrupt the total boredom for a few seconds while they run a play. Then they stand around again.
Sorry, but I just can't get into it.
DirecTV used to advertise an option for their NFL Sunday Ticket subscribers (they may still have it, but I don't pay attention) that allowed them to watch a condensed game after the game had ended. The program was edited to only show from the snap to the whistle and then cut immediately to the next snap. They cut out all of the standing around time.
It says something about the excitement level of a sport when they can take a three-plus hour broadcast and replay EVERY PLAY in a 1/2 hour time slot, and still run commercials! That says that close to three hours of every broadcast has no action whatsoever.
So I will, I'm sure, be forced to endure the Super Bowl this weekend if only because I am the only sane one in my family that recognizes what a boring excuse for a sport football really is. I will be delighted, though, when the final whistle sounds and I am given a summer respite from the "sport."
I really don't even care who wins - as long as it doesn't go to overtime and drag the torture out any longer than absolutely necessary.
So let's finally get this game going if for no other reason than to get it over with so I can stop being bombarded with the NFL.
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