Thursday, October 10, 2013

Gone Forever

There are moments in our lives that we wish we could take a mulligan and do over; whether because we made a great decision that we would love to relive, or we made a bad decision that we wish we could reverse.

But life doesn't give mulligans.

Instead, that moment is written in stone, unchangeable, gone forever.

There are times that I wish I would have turned right instead of left, or said no instead of yes, or...

I've often pondered if I would really do anything differently if I had the chance to do things over again. Certainly if I could retain all of the knowledge and experience I have now when I went back to that time I might, perhaps, make a different decision or go a different direction.

But, then again, maybe not.

Maybe Tony Arata had it right when he penned the words to "The Dance" for Garth Brooks and he said...

And now I'm glad I didn't know 
The way it all would end 
The way it all would go 
Our lives are better left to chance 
I could have missed the pain 
But I'd of had to miss the dance 

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