Thursday, July 11, 2013

What's Wrong Today

We're all tempted at times to use whatever forum is available to us to jump up on our soapbox and blabber on long and loud about what's wrong with the world. It's easy to fall into such a temptation when we own the soapbox. Any one of us could come up with a litany of What's Wrong Today topics on a daily basis.

The problem isn't a shortage of material so much as a shortage of receptive readers. Each one of us has our own thoughts about what is wrong in the world.

I consciously seek to avoid such topics as I write my blog entries. Not because I can't think of numerous topics, but because I would prefer that my forum not become a host for contentious bickering in the comments people leave. 

So, What's Wrong Today?

Plenty; and I'd be glad to chat with you about it face to face, but I'm not going to write about it here.

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