Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Visit...

Today is a big day for the Brader household.

Shelley is coming to visit.

Shelley is Matthew's girlfriend. Diane and I have met her several times but this is her first visit to Wisconsin. She lives about an hour outside of Philadelphia. She is not a Flyers or Phillies fan, so she passes muster with me.

Shelley is a very sweet young lady and we are all looking forward to her visit.

Matthew has grown increasingly more annoying over the last week. The countdown to her visit started well before that, of course, but it wasn't until the last week that he started driving the rest of the family nuts.

Really nuts.

It's refreshing to see Matthew so excited about Shelley's visit; to watch his growing anticipation of being with her again.

I suppose I will have to at least make it look like I'm making an effort to be on good behavior!

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