Friday, March 1, 2013


I guess we all have things that we look back on and say, "I couldashouldawoulda" if we could do it all over again. Some of those things are hugely important, like I couldashouldawoulda spent more time with Dad had I known he would be gone before my 13th birthday. Others are just kind of silly, like I couldashouldawoulda gone skydiving and bungee jumping before I got married because my beautiful bride is terrified of me doing those things now.

In any case, I suppose we all have those things. Fortunately, my life is not about looking back at the things I couldashouldawoulda done. Instead, I celebrate the life God has given me; a beautiful wife and two awesome sons. Sometimes, though, I look at a plane flying overhead and think, "I couldashouldawoulda" jumped out of one of those things when I had the chance...

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