Thursday, April 10, 2014

Don't Want To Go There

I don't know what the fascination is with "Throwback Thursdays." My Facebook feed is bombarded every Thursday with pictures from years, sometimes decades, ago; all tagged with some form of #TBT. (I don't get into hashtags, either, but that's a different topic entirely.)

I can't believe the pictures that some people post.

I mean, really???

I have looked at pictures from when I was a kid. Most of them are goofy. There is nothing about the pictures that make me want to dwell on them other than the personal memories that a few of them may evoke. Notice that I said personal memories. I don't deceive myself into thinking that anyone else would enjoy them as much as I do.

There is certainly nothing about the pictures that make me want to show them to the world. People see them, notice what a cute kid I was and immediately begin to question what happened in the intervening years to turn me into what I look like now.

I take enough flak from my friends without giving them additional ammunition!

I was there when the picture was taken. I really don't want to go back there again. I'll be content to occasionally look at a photo from the past and reflect on it without giving my friends even more reason to give me flak.

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