Thursday, April 17, 2014

All Grown Up

Joseph has been living at home since he graduated from college. We all thought that it would be a good idea for him to build up some financial stability before taking on the responsibility and expense of having his own place. The arrangement worked great for the first two years since he worked full time at a bank about ten to fifteen minutes from home and only part time at the church an hour from home.

That all changed when he went full time at the church on January 1 of this year. So, for the last three and one half months, Joseph has driven about an hour each way every day while looking for an affordable housing option closer to the church.

That time appears to be upon us.

I took Tuesday afternoon off work to meet Joseph at an apartment he was looking at. The apartment is only about fifteen minutes from his church. It's even on the same road so even Joseph can't get lost going back and forth to work!

He filled out an application and should hear whether he got the apartment within the next couple of days. If all goes well, we will load Joseph's belongings into my truck on the first weekend of May to move him into his own place.

His first, own place.

While we have enjoyed having Joseph living with us; it is time. He's ready to be in his own place. He needs to be closer to his job and ministry.

We are very excited for him.

He's all grown up.

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