Thursday, September 12, 2013

Fresh Ice

Today marks what should be a national holiday; the first day of on-ice activities for the St. Louis Blues Training Camp! This ranks right up there in importance with the start of the Blues' regular season, the opening of gun deer hunting season and the celebration parade down Market Street when the Blues win the Stanley Cup this year!!!

Okay, that last one is not yet a done deal, but I'm confident it will also come to pass.

There's something beautiful about fresh ice. The Blue Note is still vibrant and rich, the intensity of the colors in the lines popping against the pure, white background of the ice surface. Yes, this is truly the start of something wonderful.

Every September since 1967 has ushered in an excitement and passion for the start of the NHL season. This September is no different.

I wish I could be there to witness the Blues setting foot onto the ice surface at the Scottrade Center at Noon today. The offseason has been too long.

 I wish I could see the sights and hear the sounds of hockey today.

Instead, I will be at work; dreaming of that day in the no longer so distant future when I will watch the players take the ice for the start of the regular season. The day when the annual quest for the Stanley Cup begins anew; and brings with it all of the renewed hope for hockey fans everywhere.

Let's Go Blues!!!

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