Monday, May 5, 2014

Something Strangely Unfamiliar

An eerie silence settled on our home this weekend.

Both boys are gone; Matthew for the week and Joseph to his new apartment. For this week at least, Diane and I will return to the pseudo-empty nest we enjoyed while both of the boys were in school. Pseudo, of course, because Lola is still there. She tends to stay in her living room watching television (much of which she has found a way to do with her eyes closed and a snoring sound emanating from her mouth and nose) so the house is pretty much an empty nest in the evening.

The quiet house is somehow new and unfamiliar. Quite a change from the hustle and bustle that has marked the last two and one half years. 

This week, Diane and I will be re-adjusting to that unfamiliar atmosphere in our home.

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