Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Welcome to my world.

There are some phrases that are just so annoying that they should never be spoken again. I nominate, "Welcome to my world," as one of those phrases to be banned.

We've all heard it, I'm sure. One person mentions a problem they are dealing with and the response is an oh, so compassionate, "Welcome to my world," as the listener discounts any issue or concern with the claim that they are forced to deal with that - and worse - on a regular basis.

Perhaps no situation provides a better example of why this should be banned than a conversation recently recounted by a co-worker. As a bit of background, we have been extremely busy at work this year. No one is complaining about being busy (that does, after all, mean we are successfully marketing and selling our products as we head toward a record year). Being this busy does mean, though, that some of us don't have time for our normal tasks because we are periodically summoned back to help in the shop. It's all just part of working for a small company.

Anyway, several weeks ago one of my co-workers reported going home after work and mentioning how tired and stressed he was at work because he was behind on his normal tasks to his wife - who doesn't work outside the home and spends much of her time shopping with her daughter and daughters-in-law or spending time with her grandchildren.

Her reply?

"Welcome to my world!"


She went on to say she could hardly keep up around the house because her life was so busy.

Welcome to my world????

Now I realize that being a wife is a lot of work (especially for Diane who goes to great lengths to take care of me), but it's not like someone who chooses to spend her day doing "fun" things (shopping and little kids don't sound like "fun" to me) really has the right to complain that she can't keep up at home. There's only the two of them at home and my co-worker is absolutely anal about everything being in its place, so it's not like there's a lot of cleaning up after him. Yet, somehow, she feels like her husband's stress is just a tiny window into her daily life.

I've heard the phrase, "Welcome to my world," many times. From my own experiences, I would say that most of the time, the person uttering those words has no clue. Not only are they exhibiting a total lack of empathy and compassion - two traits I have never been known to be very strong in myself - but they often also have an unrealistic view of their own situation.

Shopping and spending time with grandchildren does not equate to the stress of falling further behind on normal tasks at work because we are in a particularly busy period.

We know that we'll eventually get caught back up at work; whether because the pace returns to a more normal one or we decide to add staff once we determine that the higher workload warrants it. But for now, the stress levels at work are pretty high. Hearing, "Welcome to my world," reveals a certain selfishness and cluelessness.

As such, it should be banned.

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