The political division in our country is quite possibly as bad as it has ever been. It seems impossible to disagree with someone without being accused of hate. Where did we lose touch???
A prime example of this problem was glaringly obvious in a recent social media post featuring a photograph of four of our surviving past presidents with their surviving spouses. It was a very nice photo of a nicely posed group of smiling people. Now I don't really agree with any of the four men on everything, and I strongly disagree with the policies of two of them. Those who know me know which I would tend to support and which I wouldn't, but that's irrelevant to this discussion. My problem is with the vitriolic and hateful comments people on both sides of the political spectrum posted.
Really, people????
There were hateful posts directed at one party's presidents or the other. There were hateful posts directed at the people who support one party's presidents or the other. There were posts spewing disgust and hate that their guys would be photographed with the other guys - and that they'd all be smiling.
Where did we go off the rails? Since when is it somehow implied or worse, required, that we hate our opponents? All four of the men in the photograph had been duly elected President of The United States and, as such, deserve the respect due the office - whether you agree with their policies or not. Personally, I would consider it a privilege to meet and shake hands with a former U.S. President even if I strongly disagree with his policies. I'm guessing that we could even have a very polite conversation about our disagreements without any hateful speech, raised voices or vile language.
How could that possibly be? It's possible because I still believe in civil discourse with those with whom I disagree. Sure, the debate can be spirited at times, but we can have spirited debate without being hateful or mean. Having my picture taken shaking hands and chatting with a former President I may not support does not imply my endorsement any more than shaking hands and chatting with one of my competitors at a trade show or meeting implies that I back them and their products. It's just how we are supposed to interact with other people.
Disagreeing doesn't mean hating; despite what our current climate tries to portray.
Let's face it; you are not likely to change my mind and I'm not likely to change yours, but why don't we get back to an era of civil discourse, where we can disagree and still be friends.